Specimen Details
Category : Angiosperms Share
Scientific Name : Agave americana (L.)

Created By: Abhishek Bhor, Department of Botany, Annasaheb Awate Arts, Commerce and Hutatma Babu Genu Science College, Manchar
Created On: 11-08-2022

Specimen Information

Common Name(s):कमल कैक्टस, ग्वारपाठा, Ketki, Vilayati Kumvar

Synonym(s): Agave spectabilis Salisb. Aloe americana (L.) Crantz

Family: Asparagaceae

Status: Alive


Habit : A large, perennial herb. Leaves : Radical in a massive rosette, long, broad, thick, heavy, prickly at the margins, sharp - pointed. Flowers : Flowers only once during life, at any time after many years, 3 - 6m tall scape. With large scape, with large bracts, yellowish - green, borne erect on many horizontal branches. Some flowers are modified into flower - bulbils. Perianth funnel - like with short tube, segments 6. stamens 6, filaments exserted, anthers versatile. ovary inferior 3 - celled, ovules many, stigma 3 - lobed. Fruits : Diplotezia oblong. Flowering and Fruiting time : January - June Significance : Fibres are obtained from the leaves. Leaves are used as a fodder during scarcity.
