Specimen Details
Category : Reptiles Share
Scientific Name : Sphenomorphus indicus Gray.

Created By: Abhishek Bhor, Department of Botany, Annasaheb Awate Arts, Commerce and Hutatma Babu Genu Science College, Manchar
Created On: 09-09-2022

Specimen Information

Common Name(s):सापसुरळी, Indian Forest Skink

Synonym(s): Hinulia Indica Gray. Eumeces indicus ANDERSON

Family: Scincidae

Status: LC


Its habit is lacertiform; the distance between the end of the snout and the fore limb contained about 1.6 times in the distance between axilla and groin. Snout short, obtuse; loreal region nearly vertical. Lower eyelid scaly. Nostril pierced in a single nasal, or between a nasal and a postnasal; no supranasal; rostral convex, largely m contact with the frontonasal, which is broader than long, and forms a narrow suture with the frontal; the latter as long as frontoparietal and parietals together, in contact with the first, second, and third supraoculars; 4 large supraoculars, followed by 2 very small ones; first supraocular not much longer than second; 9 or 10 supracilianes, first largest; frontoparietals and interparietal distinct, former a little longer than latter; parietals forming a short suture behind the interparietal; no nuchals; fifth and sixth upper labials largest and below the eye. Ear-opening oval, smaller than eye-opening; no auricular lobules. 36 or 38 smooth scales round the middle of the body, laterals smallest. A pair of large pre-anals.
