Specimen Details
Category : Angiosperms Share
Scientific Name : Moringa oleifera Lam.

Created By: Abhishek Bhor, Department of Botany, Annasaheb Awate Arts, Commerce and Hutatma Babu Genu Science College, Manchar
Created On: 26-08-2022

Specimen Information

Common Name(s):शेवगा, Horse-radish Tree

Synonym(s): Moringa moringa (L.) Millsp. Hyperanthera pterygosperma Oken Hyperanthera moringa (L.) Vahl Anoma moringa (L.) Lour. Guilandina moringa L.

Family: Moringaceae

Status: Alive


Habit : A small, soft wood tree. Leaves : Usually tripinnate, petiole thickened at the base, pinnae and pinnules opposite, deciduous with a gland at the base. Inflorescence : Large Panicles. Flowers : White.Calyx cup-like, reflexed. Petals 5, spathulate, veined, unequal. Stamens 5, fertile, alternating with 5-7 staminodes, filaments hairy at the base. Ovary stalked, hairy, oblong, style cylindrical. Fruit : Capsules elongate, 9-ribbed slightly twisted. Seeds winged, 3-angled. Flowering and Fruiting Time : September - December Significance : Cultivated everywhere for its edible fruits used as vegetable and roots as horse-radish. From the seeds, oil of "Ben" used by watchmakers is produced. The decoction of root bark is used as a fomentation to relieve pain of spasm. The rot and bark are used to produce abortion.
