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Welcome To Annasaheb Awate College Library
Annasaheb Awate College came into existence in 1966 in the Building of Mahatma Gandhi High School, Manchar. As there was no separate building for this institution, library started same year, in a small room of the high school building. In 1976 U.G.C. granted Rs. 1, 40,000/- and College authority contributed some amount and built a library building. However the building was not enough to accommodate increasing number of books and other facilities like reading hall, paper-stand, sanitary room etc. Therefore college authority decided to erect a new building construction which was started in 1990, and it was completed in 1992. Library building situated near main building of the institute. The total built up area of library 12,500 square feet. And the library situated at the Ground floor.
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It is my pleasure to welcome you to the AAC –CENTRAL LIBRARY. The Library is housed in a magnificent star module functional building which includes separate wings for reference section, stack rooms and reading halls, periodical section, computer centre and administrative divisions. The collection of books has now crossed 77,588 of printed books, 65 Periodicals and Journals. The library supports the college rigorous programmes in Graduate, Post-Graduate Education and Research. Visitors will find an excellent collection of materials, and diverse electronic resources. Library users whether they are visiting the Library building will encounter an encouraging and helpful staff ready to answer inquiries or to help solve problems To-day our libraries provide extraordinarily broad and deep print and electronic resources in all areas of Science and Commerce, Social Sciences and Humanities.

"जगातील एका महान विद्यापीठातील एक विद्यार्थी म्हणून माझी अशी खात्री झाली आहे की, कोणत्याही देशाच्या बौद्धिक व सामाजिक प्रगतीत ग्रंथालयाचा सर्वाधिक मोठा वाटा आहे."
- भारतरत्न डॉ. भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर